Phil owns a wood near Linkinhorne, Cornwall and asked me to perform a wedding ceremony there to celebrate 18 years of being together with his beloved Shari.
At this point on their journey together they wanted to take this time, in this beautiful place with family and friends, to acknowledge and celebrate the journey so far and also to look ahead.
Their guests collected flowers and leaves from the woodland and I asked them all to come forward and place them in the wooden platter (made by Phil) as a symbol of their unity.
The Circle of Blessing Ceremony had two ribbons, one was green for growth, healing, home and peace. The other ribbon was brown for stability, protection of the household and to strengthen their relationship. Their family rings were passed around the circle for their family and friends to bless.
Phil and Shari exchanged rings and I performed a Hand Fasting ceremony to seal their love.
“Shari and Phil, look to all your tomorrows with sustained hope and a strong commitment to your marriage. May those of you who have witnessed this ceremony continue to support them, honour and respect their relationship and wish them joy in their future.”
We drank a toast to the happy couple out of wooden goblets lovingly made by Phil from trees in his wood.
Thanks again for helping to make our day very individual and special.
We were very happy – even in the rain!
Shari and Phil
For more information about Ceremonies in this wonderful Woodland contact: